
HB Real Estate 365 is designed for any real estate developer (commercial enterprise, investor or corporation), who wants to digitalise the development process from start to end. From calculation models that support developers when calculating the total expenditure (in Dutch: stichtingskosten or StiKo) and cash flow, up to and including administration, thus allowing them to closely monitor whether projects stay within budget or forecast.


What You Can Do with HB Real Estate 365


Extensive Project Administration

HB Real Estate is designed with real estate development in mind. It provides developers with the possibility to handle projects dynamically or creatively and administrative staff with something to hold on to, thanks to its consistent and stable setup. HB Real Estate’s extensive project administration contains many functionalities, including main and partial projects, estimates, budgeting, assignments and obligations, forecasts and realisation.


Project Overview and Integration

Project progress is shown transparently, using benchmarks (milestones), phases and statuses. The application is equipped with a financial and project administration, and can easily be used in combination with Microsoft Office. HB Real Estate integrates well with Excel or other applications of other vendors (for example, external calculation software or SharePoint storage and suchlike).

What HB Real Estate 365 Can Do for You

Target Audiences

For Whom Is HB Real Estate Intended?

HB Real Estate is designed to be used by real estate developers, contractors, investors and housing corporations.


What You Can Do with HB Real Estate

HB Real Estate allows you to easily determine the feasibility of real estate projects, using the calculation models for your project administration.


Real Estate Project Reports

Exsion Reporting allows you to create advanced reports and cross sections of your real estate projects.

Calculation Models & Applications

Learn more about the added value of our calculation models and how they help you with your work.

HB Real Estate 365 on the Job

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Small-Scale Housing Project

An example of HB Real Estate 365 in practice: Let’s say you are a real estate developer, working on setting up a small-scale housing project of four new houses. You want to know how much money you can make on this project and how cash flow will progress, with respect to possible funding.
View Example HB Real Estate on the Job

HB Real Estate Provides a Lot of Functionality

The possibility to transfer all data in your database to Excel, is one of the functionalities we are proud of. HB Real Estate provides a lot of functionality, including:

Approval of assignments, purchase invoices and payment runs.

Info Automatic Selection of Functionaries

Copy data from the central organisation to underlying entities

Info Updating Settings Such as Financial Years, Numbering Ranges Etc. from a Single Location

Quick creation of new entities in project development

Info Quick Creation of New Entities

Exsion, our reporting tool, allows you to easily create reports.

Info Easily Create Reports with Exsion

A complete overview of the PRJ administration.

Info PRJ Administration (Project Administration)

Real Estate Project Management

Real estate projects can be implemented quickly, within a short time frame. However, it is important that your organisation goes through the right steps.
Info Real Estate Project Management

Request a demo

Would you like to know more about HB Real Estate 365?

We would like to get in touch with you. Please contact our HB Real Estate demo-team for an interactive demo.

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