Updating Settings Such as Financial Years, Numbering Ranges Etc. from a Single Location

Copy data from the central organisation to underlying entities.

Central Administration Control

In project development, it is quite common that the database contains a large number of entities. When you want to create or change a new financial year, or new numbering ranges, payment conditions, general ledger accounts etc., you can do so in the central administration.

From there, you can update underlying companies. This will save you a lot of time and repetitive work.

From Now on, You Can Update from a Central Location

Would you like to update data in underlying entities from a central location? Contact us or request a free demo.

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Overview for Each Project

A transparent overview of all transactions and activities of a given project
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Project Forecasts and Analyses

For each project, you can create an unlimited number of forecasts, at all times.
Info Project Forecasts and Analyses

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