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HB Software bezoekt events om bij te blijven en organiseert events voor onze relaties. Hieronder tref je het overzicht aan.



Informatie over nieuwe ontwikkelingen en andere interessante onderwerpen hebben we hier voor je verzameld.



We zijn trots op onze nieuwe klanten en implementaties. Een nieuwe implementatie wordt beloond met een feestelijke taart. 



Hier vind je belangrijke updates en nieuwe releases van onze eigen software of van onze partners, waaronder Microsoft.

Did Vastgoedontwikkeling has switched to Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS with HB Vastgoed

At the end of May 2024, Did Vastgoedontwikkeling switched to the Cloud (SaaS) from HB Vastgoed (Business Central). This means that they...
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HB Vastgoed Customer event on 05.06.2024

Yesterday afternoon, we organized a successful client event at our office in Gouda. It was great to catch up with our clients...
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HB Vastgoed Customer event on 05.06.2024 Invitation

Especially for users of our Real Estate industry solution, HB Vastgoed, HB Software is organizing a customer afternoon on June 5th (2024)....
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Did BV transitions to the Cloud with HB Vastgoed

Did BV will transition to Microsoft’s Business Central Cloud in early 2024 with HB Vastgoed. The decision to move to the Cloud...
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Real estate project developers transition to the Cloud

In 2023, Next Level and Wilma Wonen made the switch to HB Vastgoed’s Cloud version. This means they no longer require a...
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Steenvlinder has transitioned to the Cloud with HB Vastgoed

In March 2024, Steenvlinder (developer of self-build projects among others) made the switch to HB Vastgoed’s Cloud (SaaS) (Business Central). This means...
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A dream meeting with the very best real estate project team

If you are working in the world of real estate projects, you know that meetings can be hectic and time-consuming. Often, you...
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Skyrocketing New Construction Prices: 3 Tips to Lower Construction Costs and a Call to Action

Don’t be alarmed, but between 2015 and late 2022, the prices of new build homes have surged by almost ninety percent! We...
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